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Wie könnt ihr es zulassen das Fußballfans in Deutschland von der Polizei attackiert werden wegen einem Pro Kurdistan Banner? Wie könnt ihr es zulassen, das Erdogan die Kurden in Grund und Boden bombt und dabei ein Verbrechen nach dem anderen begeht?

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Wann hat die @spdbt eigentlich mal die Eier in der Hose und zeigt Klarekante gegen das Erdogan Regime? 1/2

Parents read the fucking room. If I am acting exhausted and cant stand humans and just want to get by. Maybe just leave me alone and don’t start to argue with me over the smallest things.

Ich hab bissl mich mit Erdogan Fans angelegt ich verpiss mich mal hinters schloss 🙈

Ukraine Berichterstattung 

@fuchsi yours looks better than liveuamap and thats the only one I have got

Ukraine Berichterstattung 

@fuchsi the later

Rebellion is a strong series. I have no clue why I initially stopped watching it after a few episodes.

Does anyone actually have conversations like movie characters?

How the fuck do republicans think that the attack on the capitol was harmless?

Ukraine Berichterstattung 

@fuchsi die domain is fischi

RT @ccleighton
It's so important that you swab the inside of your cheek (especially at the level of your upper & lower molars), under your tongue and the back of your throat before you swab your nose. Sensitivity of available RATs increases significantly with this approach.

Mein Panzer in Wt: Pappe
Feindlicher Panzer: Mithril

Ich weiß warum ich meistens keine Panzer spiele…

Should I try to change LOCAL_DOMAIN and WEB_DOMAIN and hope that it somehow works out? I really dont like how it is atm

Setting up Servers is like cooking. You should read the whole Recipe before you start…

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